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Other Homework Help Resources
Homework Help by Brainfuse
English and Spanish: every day from 2 to 11 p.m. MST
Get free one-on-one homework help from a live online tutor. Tutors are available for all-subjects grades k-college on the Brainfuse platform. Make flashcards, create a whiteboard, or make a virtual study room for you and your friends.
Access Brainfuse Mobile
Apple App Store | Google Play Store
This service is available to Boulder Public Library account holders and BVSD students who attend school within the Boulder city limits. Need a library card? Set up your free Boulder Public Library account today.
What kind of tools are available?
Tutoring Help
Access real-time help assistance every day from 2 to 11 p.m. MST with the Brainfuse online classroom. Tutors are trained to not provide answers, but to help users master a problem’s underlying idea. Help services are available in Spanish for all subjects offered in English.
eLearning Tools
A variety of tools are available to help you study! Create whiteboards, flashcards, make practice tests, use virtual study rooms and more!
Online Writing Lab
Revise, edit and learn new techniques in the Brainfuse writing lab. Get help with your college essay.
Academic and Standardized Test Help
- The new SAT
- The new GED
- TASC (a GED alternative test)
- HiSet (a GED alternative test)
- US Citizenship Test
- College Placement Test Preparation
FASFA and Financial Aide Help
Get live help filling out your FAFSA application. Experts can assist with any application questions (e.g. which line to use from their tax returns). Look under Expert Help> Featured Service