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Library Teen Advisory Board
Join the Library Teen Advisory Board (LTAB)! Earn volunteer service credit and experience for college applications and jobs, and engage in leadership opportunities. All abilities welcome. Free snacks provided! For teens in grades 6-12.
Watch and Share
- Creativebug This link opens in a new windowCreativebug.com has more than 1,000 award-winning art & craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists. An inspirational resource for DIY, crafters and makers
- BLDG 61 MakerspaceCheck out BLDG 61's DIY videos or join in on their show and tell.
Read and Listen
- Teen PicksBook reviews written by Boulder teens!
- Hoopla This link opens in a new window• eBooks, audiobooks, movies, TV, music & magazines
• Limit: 4 items per month
• Loan period varies by format
• Boulder County patrons only
Hoopla is a pay per use model (the library pays for each check-out). You may encounter the following message:
"The collective daily borrow limit set by your library has been reached and will reset at midnight. Please browse and add titles to favorites so you can easily access them after midnight."…what does that mean?"
The library has placed monthly spending caps on the hoopla to moderate spending our allocated funds. Once the daily cap has been reached no patrons may check anything else out for the day. This only means you have to wait until the daily limit is reset which occurs at midnight MST. Limits are in place as an effort to give everyone equal access as best we can. - OverDrive for Teens This link opens in a new windowSpecially curated eBooks and audiobook for teens to browse and download.
Featured Resources
- Homework HelpUse our research databases and ebooks to support students. Reach out to library staff if you need help with access.
- Ask a LibrarianSubmit a question online and get an answer by email.
- Teen Volunteer OpportunitiesJoin our volunteers and help give back to the library.
- Teen Space - Hours and LocationsRooms to call your own and a library full of things for grades 6-12.
Book Queeries
Book Queeries is a queer-themed, monthly book club for teens. See full Book Queeries list!
New Books
Graphic Novels
New Teen Books
Let's Talk about Race