• Popular for Recreational Reading • Fiction & Nonfiction • For Adults, Teens, & Kids • Two or Three Week Check-Out • Limit: 6 OverDrive Items at Once • Limit: 8 OverDrive holds at a time |
• Fiction & Nonfiction |
Hoopla is a pay per use model (the library pays for each check-out). You may encounter the following:
I get a message saying, "The collective daily borrow limit set by your library has been reached and will reset at midnight. Please browse and add titles to favorites so you can easily access them after midnight."…what does that mean?"
The library has placed daily and monthly spending caps on the hoopla system to moderate spending our allocated funds. Once the daily cap has been reached no patrons may check anything else out for the day. This does not mean you’ve lost your 4 checkouts for the month. It only means you have to wait until the daily limit is reset. This occurs at midnight MST. If some patrons use all 4 of their checkouts at once, we reach our daily spending limit rather quickly. However, after 4 checkouts they are done, and this will give other patrons a chance to get material. Limits are in place as an effort to give everyone equal access as best we can.
• Picture & Chapter Books
• Reference Books • Popular for Student Assignments • Always Available |
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• Call 303-441-3100