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Book Recommendations
- Kids Book ListsLibrary staff have created over 25 different book lists to help you.
- Novelist K-8 This link opens in a new windowA trusted source of read-alike recommendations specifically for middle school and younger readers.. Find books that interest you. Parents and teachers can also find tools to teach with fiction books and engage young readers.
- BPL Staff PicksRead reviews of books for all ages from our library staff to help you find books for yourself or your students.
Educators! We have an account just for you.
Available to educators working in the Boulder Valley School District, St. Vrain Valley School District, preschools, private schools and home-schools in Boulder County. Teachers living in Boulder County are also eligible for this type of account. Please bring proof of employment (i.e. school ID, pay stub, letter from principal,etc.). This account is good for one year and allows:
- Holds on up to 25 items
- Checkout of up to 99 items for six weeks (with one renewal)
- Access to Educator Resources
We don't have late fees on any materials at the Boulder Public Library. However, lost or damaged item charges and collection agency fees still apply.
- Educator’s Collection Request FormTell us the general topic and reading level. We will gather appropriate books for you and place them on hold for you to pick up at the Main Library
Homework Help
- Homework HelpUse our collection of research databases and ebooks to support students during their online learning. Reach out to library staff if you need help accessing any content.
- Premium Research ToolsOur research databases offer you access to a wealth of research and information, including consumer reports, education journals and world history.
- Ask a LibrarianSubmit a question online and get an answer by email.