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Download Tax Forms
The library does not carry paper tax forms, but staff are happy to assist with downloading and printing forms and instructions.
2024 Colorado Forms
Additional Forms & Instructions
2024 Federal Forms
Note: For tax year 2019 and later, you will no longer use form 1040-A or 1040-EZ, but instead use the redesigned Form 1040
Schedule A: Itemized Deductions / Instructions
Schedule B: Interest and Ordinary Dividends, with Instructions
Schedule C: Profit or Loss from Business / Instructions
Schedule D: Capital Gains and Losses / Instructions
Schedule EIC: Earned Income Credit
Schedule SE: Self-Employment Tax / Instructions
Form 2441: Child and Dependent Care Expenses / Instructions
Tax Forms for Other States
Order Tax Forms
Order by phone:
Pick Up Tax Forms
Notice: It is recommended that you print out any forms that you need from the electronic links rather than seeking the pre-printed forms.
Federal Forms
Internal Revenue Service
1999 Broadway, Denver
M–F 8:30 am–4:30 pm
303-446-1675 (map)
for appointment 844-545-5640
Full-service walk-in office with all forms available, and personnel on duty.
Note: The libraries below will only carry Forms 1040, except CU which carries 1099 and 1096 forms as well.
University of Colorado/Norlin Library
Government Information Library
1720 Pleasant Street, Boulder (map)
You may get forms mailed directly to you by calling, 303-492-8834, and leaving a message with your name and phone #. Or you may email rad@colorado.edu.
Lafayette Public Library
775 W. Baseline Road, Lafayette
303-665-5200 (map)
Mamie Doud Eisenhower Public Library
Forms located just inside entrance - tax books are one per person plus Spanish version
3 Community Park Road, Broomfield
720-887-2300 (map)
Colorado Forms
Note: The libraries below only carry basic Colorado forms. Instruction booklets are available while supplies last.
University of Colorado/Norlin Library
Government Information Library
1720 Pleasant Street, Boulder (map)
You may get forms mailed directly to you by calling,303-492-8834, and leaving a message with your name and phone #. Or you may email rad@colorado.edu.
Lafayette Public Library
Forms located on 2nd floor non-fiction area
775 W. Baseline Road, Lafayette
303-665-5200 (map)
Mamie Doud Eisenhower Public Library
3 Community Park Road, Broomfield
720-887-2300 (map)
Boulder County Elections Office
1750 33rd Street, Boulder
303-413-7740 (map)
Colorado Department of Revenue
1375 Sherman Street, Denver
M–F 8 am–4:30 pm (map)